Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just Surfing

I found this website today while searching on fortune telling cakes in England. I had read about them the other night & I was intrigued. Since my daughter has a liking to the Chinese fortune telling sticks, I thought this might be the perfect type of birthday cake for her. Of course, her birthday isn't until August. I just hope I remember it at that time.
These are charms that were baked into a cake, then the recipient would discover his or her prediction of luck for the coming year.

This idea of finding fortune in a slice of cake is still a feature in many traditions around the world.
During Mardi Gras, for example, The King's Cake includes a bean (representing the baby Jesus). Whoever is fortunate enough to receive the slice with the bean (or coin, or plastic Jesus, etc) is said to have good luck for the rest of the year.

The Victorians added ribbons to the ends of the charms.
The ribbons extended outside the cake slices, and the charms were pulled out (they are called cake pulls).
You can buy modern examples of these charms, usually for wedding cakes.
Fortune telling cake set, 1957

Saturday, March 12, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

OK...Next Kids Dinner Theme is Tuesday, March 15th. Theme is St. Patrick's Day. Lots of ideas here!

Main Course:
Green Eggs & Ham
Lucky Charms Cereal

Other Foods:
Shamrock Trail Mix Ideas: Green Froot Loops or Lucky Charm Cereal, Andes Mint Candies (cut in 1/2), Green Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Green Jelly Beans, Green Candies (like M&M's)
Celery - Ants on a log
Ham Roll-ups with Pickles - dye the cream cheese green
Colored Popcorn - color by adding green colored chocolate over the top or by popping 3/4 cup with 1/4 cup sugar, 2 TBL olive oil & several drops of green food coloring (this makes the sugar melt & stick to the kernals - similar to a carmel corn - picture below). Or purchase food coloring powder, or add food coloring into your butter.

Crafts Ideas:
Dye noodles & make Shamrock necklaces.
Go to this website: (Dying the noodles a couple days prior is needed)
Coloring Pages (these can be found all over the internet & printed)
Kids can make 4 leaf clovers with their hands by dipping in paint & displaying each hand as one petal of the clover. (I have tons of paper & paints)
Kids can paint rainbows with pots of gold at the end.
Make Irish Hats

Chip 'N Dales Rescue Rangers - The Last Leprechaun movie...found on Series 2.


Let me know what you want to bring, so we don't duplicate & have a variety of foods/crafts for the kids.